   A generic electronic fuel delivery output signal system.


Description: DATA out is the output from the internal control unit's computer processor. The processor receives a signal from the magnetic pulse generator located at the distributor (not shown). The computer process this signal and signal from various sensors (alrady converted to digital from analog signals) and then determins when to fire and how long to fire at the DATA out based on all theses criteria.

I have no information on the type of transistor or the type of IC used in this car's computer. But I know that it has a built in program, predetermine of legnth of output pulse. Lean (short duration) Medium (average duration) and Rich (long duration.)

Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4 all fire at one after the next. E.g.. 12341234123...

This schematic is basically for 92 Accord automotive sedan. For details see page 11-10 of the service manual.

Below is another picture of the same type as the above but a little simpler view of it.



Schematic drawn from CircuitMaker v6.2V. Further editing by Fireworks (macromedia.com) Web page by Dreamweaver2. CVS by Cute FTP. Host by Tripod or Lycos. No copyright law(s) enforced. Permission is granted to copy this page for private or profit use. Need more info? updated 12-12-00